Ryan Joyce

7 min

Top Magazines for Magicians: Best Magic Publications

Updated: Dec 26, 2023

As an aspiring magician, learning and staying updated on the magic community's latest tricks, techniques, and trends is essential.

One of the best ways to do this is by exploring magic magazines.

What is the best magazine for magicians and the art of magic? Let's take a look!

If a close friend asked me what magazine I'd recommend most or you don't want to read the entire post, if I had to recommend just ONE magazine for magicians, it would be VANISH International Magic Magazine.

VANISH International Magic Magazine is an outstanding resource for magicians and enthusiasts, providing a perfect blend of engaging interviews, enlightening articles, and awe-inspiring magic tricks from the world's finest magicians.

Here are additional benefits to subscribing to VANISH Magazine:

  • Independent Magic Magazine: VANISH is an independent magic magazine edited by Paul Romhany, a professional magician with over 30 years of touring, working cruise ships and corporate events.

  • Massive Interactive Publication: Each VANISH publication features over 100 pages and embedded content.

  • Stay Current & Up-To-Date: VANISH is dedicated to staying current with the latest trends and news in the magic community worldwide.

  • Instant Access to Over 10 Years of Back Issues: You get instant access to all previously published magazines, which makes it an indispensable asset for those looking to expand their knowledge and skills.

I wholeheartedly recommend VANISH to anyone seeking to dive deeper into the enchanting world of magic and elevate their craft to new heights. Click here to subscribe to VANISH.

In this blog post, we will delve into the world of magic magazines and discover their benefits and some of the top publications available today.

Jump To Section

  1. Magic Magazines and Magic Societies

  2. Benefits of a Modern Magic Magazine

  3. List of Magic Magazines

  4. Magazine Spotlights

  5. Out-of-Print Magic & Notable Magazines

  6. The Evolution of Magic Magazines

  7. Conclusion

Magic Magazines and Magic Societies

Subscribing to a magic magazines is one of the best ways to stay up-to-date

Magic magazines play a crucial role in the magic community.

They provide a platform for magicians to share their knowledge, experiences, and stories, helping others learn and grow in their craft.

Furthermore, magic magazines often connect with magic societies, such as the International Brotherhood of Magicians (IBM) and the Society of American Magicians (SAM).

These societies contribute to the magazines' content and offer networking opportunities for aspiring magicians.

Benefits of a Modern Magic Magazine

What are the benefits of magic magazines?

Subscribing to a modern magic magazine can provide numerous benefits for an aspiring magician, including:

  • Staying updated: Magic magazines offer the latest news and trends in the magic world, ensuring you stay informed and ahead of the curve.

  • Multimedia embedded: modern magic magazines go beyond traditional text and photos with a full multimedia experience.

  • Learning from experienced magicians: Articles, interviews, and tutorials from seasoned magicians provide valuable insights and tips for improving your skills.

  • Exclusive content: Magic magazines often contain exclusive interviews, reviews, and tutorials you won't find elsewhere.

  • Networking opportunities: Joining a magic society or attending events promoted by magic magazines can help you connect with other magicians, opening doors for mentorship, collaboration, and friendships.

Let's look at a list of the largest magazines available for magicians.

List of Magic Magazines

Here are the most popular magazines currently in publication, listed alphabetically.

Click a magic magazine name to jump into the spotlight.

  • Genii, The Conjurors' Magazine (Independent)

  • Linking Ring Magazine (The International Brotherhood of Magicians)

  • Magicol (periodical published by Magicana)

  • Magic Circular (The Magic Circle)

  • M-U-M Magazine (Society of American Magicians)

  • Northern Peeks (Canadian Association of Magicians)

  • VANISH International Magic Magazine (Independent)

Let's delve into the captivating world of magic magazines!

Magazine Spotlights

Below, we have curated a list of the leading magic publications that cater to the diverse interests and needs of magicians and magic enthusiasts alike.

Many of these esteemed magazines are associated with prestigious magician associations and are included free with membership.

These publications embrace the digital age and are available in electronic formats, with some, like VANISH, also providing hard-copy printing options.

Most of these magazines are published monthly, ensuring you stay updated with the latest news, interviews, and insights from the world of magic.

So, without further ado, let's explore these magical publications and discover the wealth of knowledge they have to offer.

Here are the Current Leading Magician Magazines (Alphabetical)

Genii, The Conjurors' Magazine

Genii, The Conjurors' Magazine: Genii is a prestigious monthly magic magazine that has captivated magicians since 1936. With in-depth articles, reviews, and exclusive content, Genii offers a wealth of knowledge for magic enthusiasts. A subscription to Genii is included in the Academy of Magical Arts membership. Learn more at www.geniimagazine.com.

The Linking Ring

The Linking Ring Magazine: Published by the International Brotherhood of Magicians, The Linking Ring is a monthly magazine that covers all aspects of the magic world, from performance tips to interviews with top magicians. Visit www.magician.org/the-linking-ring/what-is-the-linking-ring to learn more.

Magic Circular

Magic Circular: As the official magazine of The Magic Circle, Magic Circular offers members exclusive access to informative articles, interviews with top magicians, and the latest news in the world of magic. Stay connected with the magic community and enhance your magical knowledge by visiting www.themagiccircle.co.uk/product/magic-circular-subscription/.

Magicol: A Journal of Magic History and Collectibles

Magicol is a highly-regarded quarterly publication dedicated to the history and collecting of magic memorabilia produced by Magicana. With meticulously researched articles, rare insights, and exclusive content, Magicol is a must-read for magic enthusiasts and collectors alike. Discover more at www.magicana.com/magicol.


MUM Magazine is the official publication of the Society of American Magicians, featuring informative articles, interviews, and reviews for magic enthusiasts. (Why is it called MUM?) Stay connected with the magic community and expand your knowledge by visiting www.magicsam.com/page/MUM_Magazine.

Northern Peeks

The Northern Peeks is the official publication of the Canadian Association of Magicians, a quarterly magazine for Canadian magicians. Each digital publication includes interviews, tricks, reviews and articles for Canadian magicians. For more information, visit www.cammagic.org/northern-peeks.

VANISH International Magic Magazine

VANISH is a leading digital magic magazine featuring interviews, articles, and magic tricks from renowned magicians worldwide. Stay updated on the latest magic news and learn from the best in the industry. Visit www.vanishmagic.com for more information.

Out-of-Print Magic & Notable Magazines

Throughout the history of magic, there have been numerous magazines for magicians and many have gone out of print.

Below are two notable magazines that made a major impact on the magic community.

Mahatma Magazine

Mahatma Magazine: Mahatma Magazine, published from 1895 to 1906, holds the distinction of being the first English-language magic magazine.

As a pioneer in the field, Mahatma provided a platform for magicians to share their knowledge, experiences, and innovations, thus playing a crucial role in shaping the early magic community.

Though no longer in publication, Mahatma Magazine's contributions to the magic world are still remembered and appreciated by magic enthusiasts today.

Magic Magazine

Magic Magazine: Magic Magazine was a highly influential publication in the magic community that ran from 1991 to 2016.

Over its 25-year history, it featured insightful interviews, in-depth articles, and exclusive content from some of the world's most renowned magicians. Although no longer in publication, Magic Magazine's legacy continues to inspire and inform magicians and enthusiasts alike.

This legacy is also carried on through an annual magician convention called Magic Live, produced in Las Vegas by Magic Magazine's editor, Stan Allen.

The convention brings together magicians from around the globe, further demonstrating the lasting impact of Magic Magazine on the magic world.


Source: Magic Magazine Cover By Fabrini - https://shop.magicmagazine.com/p/back-issues/volume-25-number-12-august-2016, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=56123967

The Evolution of Magic Magazines: A Timeline of Magic Magazines

Magic magazines have played a vital role in the magic community since their inception. They have documented the history of magic and served as a platform for magicians to learn, share, and grow.

In this section, we will explore the evolution of magic magazines and how modern publications keep the magic art alive and thriving.

1900s: The Early Days of Magic Magazines

The late 19th and early 20th centuries marked the beginning of magic publications.

Early magic magazines, such as "The Sphinx" and "Tops," provided a platform for magicians to share their knowledge and experiences.

List of Magazines:

  • The Sphinx (March 1902)

  • Linking Ring (1922)

  • The Jinx (October 1934)

  • Genii (September 1936)

  • Tops (January 1936)

Influential publications like "Genii" and "The Linking Ring" emerged during this period, providing a wealth of information and resources for magicians.

These magazines played a crucial role in shaping the magic community and preserving the art form for future generations.

1960-75: The Golden Age of Magic Magazines

The mid-20th century saw the rise of popular magic magazines that left a lasting impact on the magic world.

List of Notable Magazines

  • New Tops (January 1961)

  • Magicgram (September 1966)

  • Pallbearers Review (November 1965)

These magazines documented the development of magic and fostered a sense of community among magicians, allowing them to connect and collaborate.

1990s - Now: The Digital Revolution and Magic Magazines

The late 20th and early 21st centuries marked a significant transition for magic magazines as they embraced digital formats.

List of Magazines

  • MAGIC Magazine (September 1991)

  • VANISH International Magic Magazine (2012)

  • The Hermit (January 2022)

Modern digital magic magazines, such as VANISH International Magic Magazine, offer numerous benefits, including instant access to content, multimedia features, and easy sharing among magicians.

However, digital publications also face challenges, such as maintaining a sense of community and adapting to the ever-changing landscape of technology and online content consumption.

The Future of Magic Magazines

As we look toward the future of magic magazines, we must consider their role in the age of social media and online content.

Magic publications must adapt and innovate to stay relevant and continue to foster the growth and development of the art of magic. This may include incorporating augmented reality and interactive content and embracing new platforms and technologies to reach a broader audience.

Moreover, aspiring magicians should continue to support and engage with magic magazines to ensure their survival and growth.

By subscribing to and contributing to these publications, magicians can help preserve the art form and ensure that future generations can access valuable resources and information.


The evolution of magic magazines demonstrates their enduring importance in preserving and promoting the art of magic.

From their early beginnings to their adaptation to the digital age, these publications have played a crucial role in shaping the magic community and fostering the growth of magicians.

As we look to the future, magic magazines need to continue to adapt and innovate.

In contrast, magicians must continue to support and engage with these publications to ensure their continued success.

What's your favorite magic magazine? Let me know in the comments.

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